Strange Things That Happened To Me

sábado, 19 de marzo de 2011

Ghost in El Palacio De linares

In spain there is a saying that ghosts live in el Palacio De Linares. People have posted videos, photos, news and everything everywhere. But do you oviusly think it is true or not?? post on here and tell me what you really think..
If you want to see some videos of this go onto youtube and write el fantasma del palacio de linares

2 comentarios:

  1. See if you can figure out how to post a link to the video here (hint, click link on your create a post box, copy and paste the youtube URL into the box...=) ). This is very interesting! I am going to look at it now!

  2. I don't know if I believe in ghosts or not but videos of ghosts creep me out. It kind of depends the time and place: at night, I freak out at that stuff but in the day in a busy house, perhaps not as much.
    You know they also say the USA White House is haunted by ghosts of former presidents and First Ladies.
