Strange Things That Happened To Me

jueves, 24 de febrero de 2011

Hi! I am in seventh grade and I once heard a story about a lady whose
house got struck by lightning so she sued God! But since God didn't
show up at the trial, she won. Not that God would pay her...
That'd be really weird if anyone did that!

Special thanks to Sam for being the first one to send me a VERY weired story! :) Now be the sencond one to have something publised in this site!! :)

Most odd girl in the world ;)

domingo, 20 de febrero de 2011

Hey People

 Love is not how you look
 It is not how you are
 It is who you are
 And whats inside you

 Read the following, and FIND WHAT

HEY PEOPLE!! If you have any strange things that happened to you or that you know about and think are interesting, please email them to me!!!   :)  If you want them anonymous you will have them like that! SHARE YOUR KNOWLEDGE WITH YOUR FRIENDS!

                                        Hope you like this site!! ;)
                                        Most odd girl in the world!

sábado, 19 de febrero de 2011

Green Dog

I was walking down the streets in Regatta, Tripoli Libya and suddenly we see something small, and green walking with a woman beside it. We wanted to see what it was so we decided to go look. It came out that it was a green dog, and that the woman was walking it. She said that she had painted the dog green for a party. BUT WHY WOULD SHE WANT TO DO THAT?

Bomb Didnt Explode

Once a bomb fell into a church in Zaragoza Spain and it neve exploded. What I mean by this is that the bomb was activated and when it came to explode it didnt. It was thought that the great virgin had saved the church.